The Big Draw Precedent
Beneath is a selection of carefully selected precedent that I analysed and used to influenced my iterations during the big draw.

Dalseong Citizen's Gymnasium by NOAS Architects, Copenhagen PROPOSAL

UFCSPA campus by OSPA, Brazil PROPOSAL

EYE by Delugan Meissl Associated Architects, Amsterdam

One Football HQ by TKEZ, Berlin

Teruel-zilla by Mi5 and PKMN Architects, Spain

Maine Road Stadium by Archibald Leicth, Mosside

Yokohama Internnational Passenger Teriminal by FOA, Japan

No 10 Sport Facility by Comoco Architects, Portugal

Zamet Centre by 3LHD Architects, Croatia

Vertical gym by Urban Think Tank, Venezuela

Elevated Sports Court by Guzmán de Yarza Blache, France

A’Beckett Urban Square by Peter Elliott Architecture + Urban Design, Melbourne, Australia

Zorlu Playgroud by Carve Landscape Architecture, Istanbul

Multistory Skatepark by Gu Hollaway, Folkestone PROPOSAL

Zhangmiao Exercise Park by Archi-Union Architects, Shanghai