Structural Form
Developing on the structural forms explored in 3.1 into a formal strategy

Model built as a response to these structural concepts

This 1:200 model made from over 300 thin cocktail sticks created a strong structure.
This model shows the geometry in three dimensions. In a very similar way to the green school, the columns are splayed into triangles and the points where they meet at the top are then arranged into triangles and connected by beams. The whole structure is essentially made from various triangles at various angles. However to points of the collumns is at the top as opposed to at ground level like in the green school. This means there are more obsticles at ground level where they create various degrees of enclosure
This structural form is then adapapted to fit in and around the small football skill games. The collumns create obstacles and targets for pasing shotting dribbling etc. Click images below to open full size
Isometric of the developed structural form