Leaf Street Programtic Strategy Analysis

Having established the program of the building and the facilities it would have to provide, I analysed how some of those spaces would interact with the site, and establish a programatic spatial strategy.
These diagrams include how the social spaces respond to the main road, how football from the streets needs to be brought into the building, the levels of enclosure between any football and roads to ensure saftey and also the relationship between my site and the Hulme FC football pitch and how that may effect the location of certain facilities on the site.
The first diagram establishes the connection between the Leaf street site and Hulme FC's football pitch. This has made my decision to use the Leaf street site.

The public square and and social facilities such as bars/cafes should sit on the south side of the building. This forms and important connection to the main road and ensures they are exposed to natural light.
The streets from the housing connect to the site on the north side. These streets should connect into the site and make it feel open to enter into the building and connect the 'street football' aspect of the building to these streets.
Enclosure between the site and any football and the roads, especially the A5103 and Stretford Road, to ensure saftey.
The spatial relationship diagram below is a reaction to the diagrams above and how this affects locations of certain spaces on the site. This diagram also considers how each space connects to various other spaces. For example the cafe must connect to the kitchen and this must connect to staff rooms.
5 A side pitches
Fundimental to improve recreational sporting facilities in Hulme.
These could be 3G football pitches, or multi sports courts.
Changing rooms
Male and female rooms for changing, showering, and safe keeping.
Medical room
Basic Space to carry out first aid.
Janitor/Pitch maintance
Vital in keeping the facilities in good order.
Storage of equipment.
Facilities to attract more than just footballers. Healthy eating cafeteria ties in with sport and well being. Bar doenst! but is still an esential part of the club.
Social Lounge/Event Space
Space mainly aimed at younger people. Computer games etc encouraging socialising away from the sport. Event space for hire, birthdays etc.
To provide the cafe + relevent storage space.
Front of house to retain order of facilities.
Staff Room
Spectator Space
Hulme FC pitch
The 11 a side pitch of Hulme FC lies a 5 minute walk to the north east of the leaf street site.
Street Football
Training space directly formulated from individual footballing motions and skillls. All encompasing.