Iteration 3


UFCSPA Campus, Brazil by OSPA. I felt this design proposal was still worth looking into as it is unique in the way it raises a full size football pitch while retaining usable space below it. If I were to incorporate a mixture of smaller 5 a side pitches and a large 11 a side pitch, the site would require a similar design.
Yokohama International Passenger Terminal, Japan by FOA. This building has a very dynamic, undulating step and seating space that runs through a similarly long and narrow site. The osscillations of these steps between ground level and below ground create an interesting play between the two levels creating large opening to the vaults below ground level.
Maine Road, Manchester by Archibald Leitch. This now demolished stadium in Mosside is a typical 20th centuary UK football stadium and was a building I looked at in order to try and develop a 'stadium' asthetic.
Changing Rooms, storage space and medical facilities sit on the two levels in line with the two playing spaces for ease of movement.
Lobby and circulation space sits in a central core. However the main entrance sits along the side road and not the main road potentially to a detrimental effect.
11 a side football pitch. For the drawing this has been dragged from it's position to also show the space below it. This sits directly above the 5 a side pitches.

Steps/Seating place from Yokohama terminal realigned to shape around the football pitch. However while this makes the building feel more like a stadium, it serves little other purpose.
Banking leads up into the 'stadium' This is a common threshold at football stadiums. The excitemnt builds as you move up the banking until the arena space reveals itself as you reach the peak.