Iteration 2


Boot room. This space acts as a transition between the outside (post football game at Hulme FC) and the changing rooms. This allows any dirty boots etc to be removed before entering the 'clean' inside.
Changing rooms. 3 Modules allowing for variation between male and female changing space depending on the events the building is hosting.
Kitchen below the seating space of the cafe above.
The three 5 a side pitches line up to become one larger pitch.
Medical and storage facilites sit opposite the football pitches for ease of movement.
Public square can be used for outside events such as markets, shows and sports.
Ground Plan

A high wall would have to border the exteror football space and the A road.
'Street football' space. This space does not achieve its role as being a 'street'. This area is withdrawn from the streets and the main routes through the site.
Lounge space
Cafe/ Interior 'arena space' taken from EYE.
1st Floor Plan

Zamet Centre, Croatia by 3LHD architects. Picked for its public exterior space. The exterior public square draws people through the site. The space can host a series of public events engaging people with the sports centre.
EYE, Amsterdam by Delugan Meissl Associated Architects. Picked for its 'arena space' The space had a dynamic stadium feel to it that was used as both a cafe and event space.